I Care A Lot, Sandtunnel Home
I Care A Lot, Middle East portable discussion
I Care A Lot project, was a collaboration project of jewelry artist Dana Hakim and the graphic designer Yosef Bercovich. The project's aim was to raise discussion about current issues in the Middle East through an international art exhibition in which jewelry was the chosen media. The exhibition traveled to Idar- oberstein -Germany, Gallery Platina- Sweden and Gallery Articula- Portugal. 42 artists from 22 countries took part in the project.
Sandtunnel Home
When I got a well-considered tour through Israel/Palestine there was one visual story that stuck to my mind as an image for this extremely complex situation where the solution is even more complex. I see the piece as a symbol for personal stories that are happening on both sides of the wall.
Many palestinian houses which are situated close enough to the wall are sooner or later launched for the course of the homeland. The family who owns the place is told to continue their lives in the way they used to while the army begins digging a tunnel which starts in their home. The tunnel is going to be an underground road to the other side of the wall. But because the Israeli army shouldn't notice anything from above, the sand which comes from the tunnel is stored in the house. So slowly the family will get less and less space to live.
The home full of sand and the tunnel are both represented in the piece. The concrete pieces together portray home filled with sand, and the reduced space for living. The chain connect all the rooms by a hole throug every shape which forms altogether the tunnel, in hope for a better life.